“Diploma in Allergy & Asthma(DAA)” is a year long distance learning program, in the subspecialty of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. It has been growing over the decade, producing around 300 DAA graduates. There are 4 Personal Contact Sessions (PCS). It is being conducted by the CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE (CMC), Vellore, TN in collaboration with the INTERNATIONAL ASTHMA SERVICES (IAS) – a U.S based charitable organization dedicated to patient and physician education.
The course directors are Dr.D.J.Christopher, Professor & Head of Pulmonary Medicine, CMC Vellore and Dr.P.K.Vedanthan, Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado USA. A World Allergy Organization recognised Centre of Excellence. DAA is attracting highly merited applicants from all over India and beyond. As the number of seats are limited, the acceptance rate is around 20 to 25%. PG MDs with certification in Pulmonary Medicine, General Medicine, Pediatrics, and ENT are selected from across the country & abroad. It has major impact on several areas: Clinical, education, research, academic.
Today the number of patients suffering from allergy and asthma is increasing rapidly in both the urban and rural regions of India. A conservative estimate is that 20 % of the population of our country suffers from one form of allergy or the other.
The practice of allergy has never assumed due importance and hence there is an urgent need to equip doctors with the skills to evaluate & treat those suffering from allergic diseases.
DAA programme aims to promote the specialty of allergy, asthma & immunology. It trains and equips medical personals to manage the huge patient load. It also encourages public and physicians education and increases awareness.
DAA is a yearlong distance learning course with one week of personal contact sessions every quarter. Physicians who complete the program would confidently be able to clinically evaluate a patient with allergic disease, plan the appropriate investigation, perform allergen skin testing and spirometric lung function testing and institute the appropriate treatment. They would also be taught the principles of allergen immunotherapy.
Sufficient input would be provided on the evaluation of the various allergic diseases including asthma, allergic rhinitis, food & skin allergies and other aspects in the practice of allergy. Basic teaching would cover areas of immunology, basic respiratory anatomy and physiology, basics of clinical epidemiology and research.
International faculty mainly from the USA, National faculty and CMC faculty will provide the teaching and guidance at the personal contact sessions which are held at the department of Pulmonary medicine, CMC, Vellore, TN.
Click Here to Download Application Form ( The last date for submission is 15th September 2024 )
Email Address: daacmc@gmail.com