Christian Medical College Vellore, Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004, Tamil Nadu, India
Knee extensor loss and proximal tibial soft tissue defect managed successfully with simultaneous medial gastrocnemius flap, saphenous fasciocutaneous flap and medial hemisoleus flap: a case report.
The outcomes of surgical treatment for lateral Hoffa fracture nonunions.
The radial nerve at revision/redo surgery – using the lower lateral cutaneous nerve to prevent a postoperative radial nerve deficit
Multiple High-Energy Open Injuries in the Same Limb: Comparison of Outcomes Between Salvage and Amputation Groups
Investigation of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone and Tissue Engineering Approaches for the Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
Knee extensor loss and proximal tibial soft tissue defect managed successfully with simultaneous medial gastrocnemius flap, saphenous fasciocutaneous flap and medial hemisoleus flap: a case report.
The outcomes of surgical treatment for lateral Hoffa fracture nonunions.
The radial nerve at revision/redo surgery – using the lower lateral cutaneous nerve to prevent a postoperative radial nerve deficit
Multiple High-Energy Open Injuries in the Same Limb: Comparison of Outcomes Between Salvage and Amputation Groups
Investigation of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone and Tissue Engineering Approaches for the Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone