Alumni and visitors of the past CMC would remember that the old ‘Emergency Department’ termed as ‘Casualty’ in the past was located on the ground floor of the OPD building. It was a place of apprehension for interns who often were the only doctors and had to rely upon postgraduate trainees from the respective departments to guide them with the acute management of patients.
A 3 – month audit in 1989 revealed 18 cases of preventable deaths due to trauma; the stimulus which triggered Dr. Suresh David, junior lecturer in the Department of General Surgery, to undergo training in Emergency Medicine at Adelaide, Australia for 3 years. Meanwhile, under the headship of Dr. P.J. Kuruvilla, the department moved to its present premises, the location of the erstwhile ‘A Ward’ which was also the ‘Ida Scudder’ Ward.
On his return in 1994, Dr. Suresh David took up a full-time career in Emergency Medicine and was joined by Dr. Pushpraj Singh, who had acquired rich experience, working in Mission hospitals in North India. The department grew from an 18-bedded facility to a full-fledged 39-bedded independent clinical department over 10 years.
A 1- year Fellowship programme in 1997 transformed this department to be a sought-after training area for young clinicians from all over the country, who realized the rich case-mix and learning opportunities which would provide a sound foundation for future clinical practice. In 2008, the Fellowship program was extended to a period of 2 years, to facilitate trainees to have a comprehensive understanding of the practical aspects as well as the theoretical knowledge, which would equip them to handle and coordinate Emergency Departments all over the country.
In 1996 through Senior Fellowship Training of CMC, Mr.T.S. Ravi Kumar of the College of Nursing had the privilege of being trained in Trauma Nursing at U S A & U K and Joined Emergency Nursing from the Surgical department and developed trauma nursing. Mrs. Esther Paul, Charge Nurse, in the Emergency Department, was instrumental in developing the Triage System at CMC following her training at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Australia. The CMC Triage System (CMCTS) was established in 1997, initially as a 3-tier system, which was later upgraded in 2014 to a 4-tier system. This is the first formal ED triage system to be used in India and is periodically reviewed for potential updates. The triage desk is the site of first contact and evaluation of the sick patient and the process of triaging is executed by trained nursing staff in conjunction with an emergency physician.
Since 2012, the ED has been led by Dr. KPP Abhilash with a team of 8 consultants currently. There are about 40 ED registrars and the bed strength too has expanded to 49. The ED would soon expand to a total capacity of 110 beds with the new Kannigapuram Hospital and Trauma Centre on the horizon which would make our ED one of the largest in the world.
The strength of CMC’s Emergency Department lies in comradeship; and the Christian commitment of the medical and nursing staff. We are proud that our trainees have scattered and established quality emergency care all over India. We are proud to be an independent academic department, a vital window of the Institution and a true steward in the Healing Ministry. To the best of its capability, the Emergency Department has reflected the ethos of the Christian Medical College Vellore.
Non-PG posts are available for MBBS graduates.
8-hour shift duties with 6 – 8 days off per month; Exposure to a wide variety of cases and weekly academic sessions; Opportunity for doing research projects: 20-30 research projects are done every year.
Handbook of Emergency Medicine (Emergency Medicine Best Practices at CMC) 2nd Edition is currently available on Amazon. in
First of its kind in India, a 4 tier triage system is efficiently managed by a dedicated team of doctors and nurses on a computerized system, to ensure efficiency and identification of sick patients for resuscitation.
Resuscitation room:
A resuscitation room comprising of six beds manned by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff with a facility for invasive ventilator and hemodynamic supports, and point-of-care testing ensures quality resuscitation and stabilization.
Stroke protocol:
All patients presenting with acute Neurological deficits are attended to by a quick response stroke team comprising neurologists and vascular surgeons and urgent radiological services for early reperfusion therapy.
Victims of road traffic accidents with multi-system injuries are attended to by activating a dedicated trauma team comprising surgeons, orthropaedicians, neurosurgeons and trauma co-coordinators.
Mass casualty:
In the event of an incident with multiple victims, mass casualty protocol is initiated in which we liaise with multiple units like operation theatres, blood banks, etc for Better resource management.
Heat-related diseases cooling room:
A dedicated cooling room with staff and paramedic support for the management of Heatstroke.
Point of care investigations:
The ED houses various tools for investigations such as an ABG machine, portable X-ray and ultrasound services, ECG, etc. for point-of-care decision-making.
The resuscitation room has a facility for invasive and non-invasive ventilation with 3 ventilators and 6 CPAP machines.
Procedure room:
Minor surgical and orthopaedic procedures are performed here under supervision and with adequate monitored procedural sedation/analgesia.
Social support services:
A team of social workers counsel, aid support (emergency claims), assist patients and address grievances.
The Department initiated the first B.Sc. Emergency and trauma technology course in 2013 and a post-doctoral fellowship in emergency medicine in 2016. Currently, the fellowship in emergency medicine for post-MBBS, recognised by CMC Vellore, trains 10 candidates per year and is a two-year hands-on training program with an emphasis on research and academics. The post-doctoral fellowship programme is the only one of the kind in India; recognised by Tamil Nadu M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
M.D. Emergency Medicine:
This is a three-year post-graduate residency program, affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR University. This course is the first Medical Council of India recognised MD course started in Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University. The course includes rotatory postings in adult and paediatric emergency departments, surgery, orthopaedics, labour room and intensive care units. During the tenure, trainees are expected to complete a scientific research project, maintain a log book and qualify in theory and clinical examination.
Fellowship in Accident and Emergency Medicine:
This is a two-year in-service training for post-MBBS graduates interested in handling emergencies and in the early management of trauma. The Fellowship course is recognized and certified by CMC, Vellore and the curriculum includes rotatory postings in the various units of the Division of Critical Care Medicine, as well as the Paediatric emergency department. Predominant training experience would be in the Department of Accident & Emergency Medicine. During the tenure, trainees are expected to complete a scientific research project, maintain a log book and qualify in theory and clinical examination.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Emergency Medicine:
This is a one-year in-service training for post-MD graduate candidates, approved by the Tamil Nadu MGR University. The course includes rotation in adult and pediatric emergency departments and intensive care units. This is the first recognized course in the country for advanced management of medical, surgical and trauma emergencies. This is currently the only such course in India to be recognized in the field of emergency medicine. During the tenure, trainees are expected to complete a scientific research project, maintain a log book and qualify in theory and clinical examination.
Bachelor of Science in Emergency and Trauma Technology:
This is a 3-year in-service degree course with hands-on experience in managing acute emergencies, trauma care, first aid and first responder training. Candidates are trained in handling emergency department medical equipment and in assisting with all emergency procedures. They are trained to be efficient paramedics for pre-hospital and transfer care and can provide early management of trauma on the field, in the ambulance and the ED. They are evaluated as per Tamil Nadu university requirement norms and on completion of the course have a period of internship.
Early Management of Trauma Course (EMTC):
The Emergency Department of the Christian Medical College, Vellore was the first medical institution in the country to introduce a structured training program for the early management of Trauma. Based on the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) of the American College of Surgeons, this Course is an indigenous program conceptualized, developed and validated by trained Instructors from the Faculty of the Christian Medical College.
Started in 1997, the Early Management of Trauma Course (EMTC) is designed to provide hands-on experience in prioritization and early management of trauma. Conducted four times a year, it comprises lectures, scenarios and skill stations on various aspects of trauma evaluation & management. The Instructors are Faculty members of the Christian Medical College from departments of General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia, Neurosurgery, Radio-diagnosis and Accident & Emergency Medicine.
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