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Division of Clinical Radiology

The Department of Radiology at Christian Medical College Vellore was founded in 1936, by Dr. Ida Belle Sophia Scudder. From its inception, the department has been instrumental in providing healthcare with advancements in imaging technology such as CT, MRI and interventional procedures. The highly trained and academically oriented faculty, working with state-of-the-art equipment, strives to provide an unparalleled healthcare service to the people. Over the years, the department has kept pace with the rapid changes that have taken place in the field, with equipment and facilities that are comparable with the best Radiology departments in the country.  The department has facilities for conventional radiography, special procedures, Ultrasonography, Colour Doppler, Computed Tomography, US and CT guided procedures, mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and a Digital Subtraction Angiographic suite.

In July 2000, Radiology metamorphosed into a completely digital and filmless department, with the installation of a Picture Archival and Communication System (PACS), the first of its kind in South Asia. For the establishment of the D.M course in Interventional Radiology, the Radiology Department was restructured into the Department of Radiodiagnosis and the Department of Interventional Radiology in November 2019, under the umbrella of the Division of Clinical Radiology.

Research expertise in Radiology
Interventional Radiology
Budd Chiari Syndrome
Cardiac imaging: How to perform cardiac MRI
Imaging Physics Radiation dosimetry in diagnostic radiology Metabolic imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liver, pancreas and skeletal muscle

Contact Information

Address :

The Head

Department of Radiology,

IP Building Ground Floor

Christian Medical College Vellore

Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004

Tamil Nadu, India

Email us :


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Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)