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Healthcare Workers

Featured here is a playlist of videos to provide clinicians with up-to-date knowledge on integral aspects of COVID-19 management. The series – the CMC Vellore COVID Public Lecture Series (COVID PULSE) – was put together by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors who are directly involved in the management of patients in our COVID wards. So far, CMC has treated over 8000 COVID patients.

FAQs for Health Workers

What tips should I give my patients to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ?

(Source: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions)

During a COVID-19 pandemic, patients should be careful to practice good hygiene

Health care facilities and clinicians should prioritize urgent and emergency visits or procedures now and for the coming several weeks.

The following actions can preserve staff, personal protective equipment and patient care supplies; ensure staff and patient safety; and expand available hospital capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Delay all elective ambulatory provider visits
  • Reschedule elective and non-urgent admissions
  • Delay inpatient and outpatient elective surgical and procedural cases
  • Urge patients to postpone routine dental and eyecare visits
What steps can doctors take to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic ?

(Source: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions)

The CDC recommends specific safety measures that health care professionals can take to minimize exposure to PUI and confirmed COVID-19 cases and prevent the spread of infection within health care facilities. Those steps include:

  • Set guidelines to help triage patients with symptoms congruent with COVID-19
  • Utilize sanitation and hygiene stations
  • Demonstrate proper use of PPE, including eye protection
  • Assist in monitoring and restricting access for visitors and other nonessential personnel
How do physicians enforce quarantine while respecting patient’s autonomy ?

(Source: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions)

A physician’s primary duty during a public health emergency like the COVID pandemic is to protect the health of the community. In a quarantine situation, each individual physician’s role is to engender cooperation by communicating clearly and by acknowledging the natural fears and feelings of powerlessness that infectious disease outbreaks create. In some circumstances, however, when persuasion fails and a patient poses a risk to others but won’t voluntarily adhere to isolation, physicians should support mandatory quarantine. 

The AMA Code of Medical Ethics (E-8.4) states that during a public health crisis, it is a physician’s duty to: 

  • Educate patients and the public about the nature of the public health threat, potential harm to others and benefits of quarantine and isolation. 
  • Encourage patients to adhere voluntarily to quarantine and isolation. 
  • Support mandatory quarantine and isolation when a patient fails to adhere voluntarily. 
  • Inform patients about and comply with mandatory public health reporting requirements.