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Infectious Diseases

The Department of Infectious Diseases (ID) at Christian Medical College, Vellore provides highest quality patient care with compassion, teaching and research in the best academic tradition. We offer both inpatient and outpatient clinical services related to the care of patients with infections. In addition to consultative services for complex ID problems, we provide evaluation and excellent care for common problems such as fever of unknown origin, tuberculosis, typhoid, urinary tract infection and HIV infection.
Being a referral centre, we also treat rare infections. We are keen on all aspects of research – basic, clinical and epidemiological- for which we have a dedicated team of highly trained researchers apart form the clinical scientists, who are experienced in different areas of the field. Diversity in areas of interest in research and clinical expertise complements patient care, thus enhancing the quality. We also conduct various training programs including a Post Doctoral Fellowship in ID, Fellowship in HIV Medicine, Global Health training and international short course in Tropical Medicine. 
The department comprises the Clinical Infectious Diseases Unit, Infectious Diseases Training & Research Centre (IDTRC) and Benjamin Pulimood Laboratories for Infection & Immunity (BMPLII). The Infectious Diseases (ID) Unit was founded in the year 2002. Since then, the division has become well-recognised for excellence in evidence based patient care, research, academics and training. The timing of its inception could not have been more opportune, as the TB/HIV epidemic was about to shake the medical foundation of this nation and resistance to antibiotics was becoming a public health threat. At a time, when even touching a HIV infected patient was considered anathema by many doctors, the Infectious Diseases Unit in CMC, Vellore led the way forward in educating doctors and laymen alike and thus helping the HIV infected patients to be not only accepted, but also function as part of a normal society.
However, the department’s expertise goes beyond TB/HIV to include a variety of other challenging problems such as post- transplant and hospital acquired infections to rare fungal and parasitic infections, which land up in our hospital from all across the country and also some parts of the world.  
‘Why are these tropical diseases still neglected? What’s coming in the way of their elimination?’ 
Nature India & Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) spotlights neglected tropical diseases in a podcast featuring professors from CMC Vellore, along with three other speakers.

The Department of Infectious Diseases is dedicated to provide easily accessible and state-of-the-art care for patients with infectious diseases. We provide outpatient consultation where we see new and repeat patients, offer continuing consultation after hospital discharge, and provide long-term primary infectious diseases care for patients with chronic infectious diseases problems including tuberculosis, HIV infection, other mycobacterial and fungal infections, chronic osteomyelitis etc. The team offers a comprehensive medical advice to travellers, as well as vaccines.  There is also a multi-disciplinary, sub-specialty clinic for HIV infected individuals apart from a walk-in free clinic for the local patients.

We also provide inpatient care for patients requiring hospital stay. The staff is specially trained to handle infectious diseases patients. In addition, we provide inpatient consultative services to all departments in CMC including consultations for general infectious diseases, nosocomial infections and chemotherapy or transplant related infections. We have a team of dedicated counsellors who help the patient in coping with the social and emotional burden of their disease. We also offer rapid HIV testing and counseling through the ICTC.   

The common diseases we treat include: 

•           Tuberculosis
•           HIV infection
•           Typhoid
•           Fever of Unknown Origin 
•           Urinary tract infections
•           Bone and joint infections
•           Endocarditis 
•           Pneumonia
•           Hepatitis
•           Scrub typhus and other tropical infections
•           Fungal infections
•           Parasitic diseases Including malaria
•           Meningitis & other infections in the brain
•           Sexually transmitted diseases
•           Post-surgical infections
•           Infections associated with medical devices and procedures
•           Infections associated with organ transplantation
•           Infections related to immunocompromised state
Our Outpatient Clinics are the following: 

Day and Time 


Infectious Diseases
Referral Clinic (IDRC)  

Tuesday and Friday
8 a.m to 5 p.m

OPD Block 2nd Floor, 210 area

Retroviral Clinic

2:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m

OPD Block 2nd Floor, 250 area

ART Clinic

Monday to Friday 
 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m

Opp. CMC L & T
gate near State Bank of India ATM

Our ID physicians also have leadership roles in the infection control and antibiotic stewardship programs in CMC. We pride ourselves in being the pioneers in tackling many new epidemic or health problems head on- whether it be in terms of epidemic measures e.g SARS, H1N1 epidemic, treatment of complex infectious diseases cases like XDR (extensively drug resistant TB), resistant strains of HIV or rarer infectious diseases.

Training in Infectious Diseases was established to offer advanced and specialized courses in the management of infectious diseases. It targets candidates at different levels of their career including post-doctoral, postgraduate and practicing physicians. The overall aim is to build and strengthen capacity for treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.
Infectious Diseases Training and Research Center (IDTRC) was established in 2005 with support from the Center for Tropical Medicine, Haukeland University, Bergen Norway, to promote biomedical research and training of health care workers from both nations in the discipline of Infectious Diseases and overall promoting global health care. Currently we offer 7 courses in the areas of Infectious Diseases, HIV and Tropical Medicine. 
1. Post-doctoral Fellowship in Infectious Diseases
The Fellowship in Infectious Diseases is a two-year training program leading to eligibility for certification in Infectious Diseases by Christian Medical College, Vellore and Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University. The overall aims are to provide expertise in management of Infectious Diseases to postgraduate physicians including (1) Diseases of the immunocompromised hosts including transplant recipients, PLHIV, etc. (2) Tropical Medicine and travel related issues and diseases (3) Health care associated infections and Hospital infection control and prevention (4) Clinical microbiology. It provides rigorous training under faculty with broad clinical and laboratory expertise to enable the fellow to acquire outstanding skills as a specialist in infectious diseases. Research and laboratory methods will be regarded as an integral component within the training program. Teaching will be done primarily by full-time faculty within the Division of ID, and the departments of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy (DVL), Microbiology, Virology and Parasitology.
2. International Short Course in Tropical Medicine (www.cmctropmed.com)
The annual International Short Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine conducted at Christian Medical College Vellore provides a high quality intense tropical experience in an endemic location. The two week course has been highly successful in providing National and International physicians with new knowledge and skills through a combined clinical, laboratory and lecture based approach. This course was started in 2007 and has received tremendous appreciation from hundreds of national and international students trained in the different aspects of Tropical and Travel Medicine. 
3. Fellowship in HIV Medicine (FHM)
The FHM training program was started in 2001 designed to address the expanding HIV epidemic, the limited availability of HIV care services and the absence of a formal clinical training program for doctors. It has subsequently continued on an annual basis catering to the needs of physicians at a secondary level taking care of HIV infected patients. 
The training includes 13 distance learning modules ranging from Virology of HIV to the Principles of ART, psychological care etc  through lecture discussions, bedside clinics, ward rounds and practical sessions. All the students are expected to complete a project which contributes to improved clinical care at their respective institutions. So far, 140 physicians have been trained at CMC. Based on the current need in the area, this training program is temporarily being modified in its format of delivery.     
4. Global Health Training Program 
The Global Health Training program of medical students from Haukeland University Norway is organized by IDTRC, as part of a MoU between the Christian Medical College, Vellore and the University of Bergen, Norway.  Their clinical training in medicine includes pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, antiretroviral therapy, DOTS clinic, Low cost effective care (LCEC), with a special emphasis on “Infectious Diseases”. They also have a research elective where they prepare a clinical project report under the supervision or help from faculty of both institutions. This program showcases a glimpse of global health particularly in the Indian context and provides a platform for these international students to serve in a developing country at a later stage.
5. Infectious Diseases CME for Postgraduates
Infectious Diseases Training & Research Centre in association with Clinical Infectious Diseases Society has been conducting the Infectious Diseases CME for Postgraduates every year. The aim of this CME program is to improve the understanding of common infectious diseases relevant to clinical practice in India and to create and enhance interest in the subspecialty of Infectious Diseases among the postgraduate trainees in Internal Medicine. 
6. Annual Workshop on Hospital Epidemiology 
The Hospital Epidemiology course is organized to train health care professionals in control and prevention of nosocomial infections. Hospital Epidemiology is an emerging area of healthcare expertise incorporating elements of epidemiology, biostatistics, infection control and public health.  The course is endorsed by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA). 
7. NACO-ART Medical officer’s training
CMC is a regional model institute (NACO Centre of excellence) for the care, support and treatment of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). Since 2004, IDTRC has been conducting regular short training programs for ART medical officers working in government hospitals and has played vital role with NACO in developing training modules, National guidelines for therapy in HIV and training specialists and medical officers in HIV treatment. So far the centre has trained 585 medical officers and specialists for Medical colleges, ART centers, Community care centers and Link ART centers during NACP I,II &III. 

Contact Information

Address :

The Head 

Department of Infectious Diseases 

SP Complex, 4th Floor

Christian Medical College
Ida Scudder Road,
Vellore – 632004
Tamil Nadu, India

Email us :


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Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)