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Diagonstic Services

a) Microbiology:

In 2015, the bacteriology, mycobacteriology and mycology labs performed 4,48,220 culture-based tests, including rapid diagnostic tests, and the immuno-serology labs, with a repertoire of 38 tests, performed 2,21,555 serological tests. The Molecular lab, equipped with the latest in PCR, performs diagnostic, epidemiological characterisation and molecular typing techniques. 

b) Clinical Biochemistry

This NABL-accredited department provides quality diagnostic services, covering 170 routine test types and many others on request. Last year, 48,66,678 tests were performed, handling 15,60,000 specimens. The plethora of techniques includes colorimetry, spectrophotometry, ion exchange chromatography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

c) General Pathology

Started in the early 1940s by the Austrian pathologist Dr W. Rosenthal, this department is today a renowned centre across South-East Asia, handling over 50,000 biopsies and 22,000 cytology samples annually. The Department is one of India’s major referral centres for diagnostic pathology. Equipped with up-to-date immunohistochemical panels and state-of-the-art equipment, its molecular pathology and FISH labs feature extensive testing systems, including mutational analysis, T-cell and B-cell clonality assay, MGMT promoter methylation analysis and assays for several brain tumours.

d) Cytogenetics 

The Cytogenetics unit runs a full-service diagnostic lab conducting karyotyping, FISH analyses and Mitocin-C testing. In addition, advanced techniques like multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) for the diagnosis of microdeletion syndromes have been set up as a routine service. DNA microarray testing is planned in the near future.

e) Virology

India’s Pulse Polio story, a flagship campaign in global polio eradication, originated in the groundbreaking work of this iconic department. The 3,26,344 diagnostic investigations carried out last year. Its several molecular diagnostic tests for patient care include HPV testing, done as part of WHO’s Lab Net. The NABL-accredited lab is an NRL for NACO.

f) Nuclear Medicine

Over 9,000 diagnostic and more than 500 therapeutic procedures are done annually. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) has ensured a high standard of care. Therapeutic procedures include iodine ablation, samarium therapy and the novel, cost-effective Lutetium-177 therapy. (Read more)

g) Radiology

The Department is one of India’s largest, with one 3T and three 1.5T MRI scanners; one 64-slice, one 16-slice and one 4-slice CT scanner; and one 3D biplane angiography suite. 

Filmless since 2002, with all the radiological studies viewed and reported over PACS, the Department handles monthly loads of 50,000-plus radiological studies, which includes nearly 3,000 MRI scans and 4,000 CT scans. The daily vascular and non-vascular intervention counts range between 10 and 15 and 15 and 20, respectively. 

h) Transfusion Medicine & Immunohaematology

The past two years have seen steady advances in the Department. New, more specialised haemostasis and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tests have been added.

The Automated Cell counter area hosts the state-of-the-art cell counters from leading manufacturers around the world, catering to the growing
needs of patients. Increasing numbers of patients can now be seen in the Phlebotomy section and the number of samples processed daily has risen.

In February 2014, NABL declared the lab as ISO 15189-accredited. (Read more)