a) Accident & Emergency Medicine
The Accident & Emergency Department is open 24 hours for acutely ill patients who arrive at CMC after regular clinic hours needing immediate care. The triage nurse will assess the patient and issue permission slip for registration. ALL PATIENTS MUST REGISTER AT THE
CASUALTY COUNTER with payment of the fees.
Counters are available to pay for emergency investigations and drugs at the Emergency Department.
b) Paediatric Casualty
The Paediatric Casualty department in the ISSCC is open 24 hours and treats children who are brought after regular clinic hours and requiring immediate care. THEY SHOULD REGISTER AT THE CASUALTY COUNTER OR COUNTER NO.15 in ISSCC Building with payment of fees
after getting permission slip from Paediatric Casualty.
Counter No.15 in ISSCC is open for registration upto 12.00 midnight. Thereafter registration can be made at the counter No.3 next to the Accident & Emergency Department.
c) Chest Pain Unit
Patients with chest pain should go directly to this Unit, situated in Ranipet campus.