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Nuclear Medicine

The department of Nuclear Medicine specialises in diagnostic tests and treatments using radioactive materials (radioisotopes). Nuclear medicine imaging is non-invasive and also unique, as it offers both integration of structural and functional details of organs. The major fraction of isotopes used in Clinical Nuclear Medicine is produced at BARC, Mumbai and the remaining is imported. Chemicals labelled with very small amounts of isotope, called radiopharmaceuticals are used for diagnosis and treatment.

Different radiopharmaceuticals are used for different tests. If the kidneys are to be evaluated, radiopharmaceuticals specific for the kidneys are used. The radiopharmaceuticals are injected into the patients, or administered as a capsule, and after few minutes / hours or days the patients are scanned with a special camera that provides images of radiopharmaceutical accumulation in the body. The special types of cameras used are the Gamma camera and PET-CT scanners with computer assistance to provide detailed images about the region of the body imaged.

In therapy for various ailments both malignant and benign, the radiopharmaceuticals go directly to the organ or diseased tissue being treated, and hence this is also termed targeted molecular therapy. Radiation safety methods are ensured during every procedure and the principle of ALARA (as- low- as- reasonably- achievable) radiation exposure is followed at every point.

Our outpatient consultation days in town campus are on Monday and Thursday, with prior appointment, between 8.00 am to 10.00 am. Afternoon OPD from 2.00 to 4.00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays.


General OPD




Morning OPD

8:00 – 10:30

Mon and Thurs


NM dept and
OP building 1st floor



2:30 – 4:30

All weekdays

NM dept


Private OPD




Morning OPD

8:00 – 10:30

Mon and


NM dept and
OP building 1st floor



II. RANIPET campus

General OPD




Morning OPD

8:00 – 10:30

Mon and


NM dept (DOT


2:30 – 4:30

All weekdays

NM dept (DOT


Private OPD





2:30- 4:30

Mon and

NM dept (DOT

B1. Gamma Camera Imaging:
    1. Bone: Bone scintigraphy / Bone SPECT CT
    2. Blood pool scintigraphy
    3. Cardiology: Stress/rest myocardial perfusion SPECT
        Gated RNV / First pass studies
    4. Endocrinology: Thyroid – Thyroid uptake study / scintigraphy
        Whole body scan I-131
        Parathyroid scintigraphy
    5. GIT: GE reflux study
        GI bleed scintigraphy
        Meckel’s diverticulum
        Gastric emptying time
        Protein loss scintigraphy
    6. Hematology: Estimation of red blood cell volume
    7. Infection imaging:Tc99m WBC labeled scintigraphy
        Ga-67 imaging
    8. Lacrimal duct scintigraphy
    9. Liver/ Spleen: Hepatobiliary scintigraphy
       Spleen scintigraphy
10.  Lymphatic studies: Lymphoscintigraphy
       Sentinel node scintigraphy
 11. Neurology: Brain perfusion studies
       Ictal and Interictal SPECT
       DAT Scan – Tc 99m -Trodat
12. Oncology: Tumour scintigraphy
      Mammo scintigraphy
      Gallium scintigraphy
      MIBG scintigraphy
      In – 111 octreotide scintigraphy
13. Parotid scintigraphy
14. Pulmonary: Lung perfusion/ lung ventilation
15. Renal: Renal scintigraphy / Renogram
      Captopril renogram
      Estimation of GFR, ERPF
      Renal transplant scintigraphy
      Radionuclide cystogram.
B2. PET CT Imaging:
    F 18 Bone scan
    F-18 DOPA PET CT
    Ga68 –DOTATATE scan
    Ga68- PSMA scan
    Cardiac viability
    Cardiac sarcoidosis
    Ga68 citrate PETCT for infection imaging
    Ga68 exendin PETCT for Insulinoma
    Ga68 Pentixafor PET CT
    Ga 68 FAPI PET CT imaging
    For Benign condition:
    131-Iodine ablation thyrotoxicosis
    90-Yttrium synovectomy
    For Malignant conditions:
    131-Iodine ablation for differentiated thyroid cancers
    131-I-MIBG therapy for neuroendocrine tumours
    177-Lutetium DOTATATE therapy for neuro endocrine tumours
    177-Lutetium PSMA therapy for prostate cancers
    177-Lutetium-EDTMP for bone pain palliation
    153-Samarium and 32-P therapy for painful bone secondaries
    Ac225 PSMA for mCRPC
    Ac225 DOTATATE for metastatic Neuroendocrine tumours

While the trainees are exposed to the most modern developments and sophisticated methods during their training, equal emphasis is given to make them to identify themselves confidently with the community where they are called to serve. It is aimed that high standards of professional excellence and easy access to medical care will be made available to all the needy eventually.
The scholars are also encouraged to pursue research relevant to Indian situations. The Student Faculty centre and Chaplaincy Department play a great role in strengthening the fraternity for the development of character, Christian love and service. The motto of the founder “Not to be ministered unto but to minister” and her vision to serve the poor and needy in India are being perpetuated by the dedicated students who graduate from the portals of this institution.
Postgraduate training: MD in Nuclear Medicine – 2 seats per year.
Allied Health:
BSc in Nuclear Medicine Technology:
This training enables supervised experience and helps in acquiring adequate knowledge and developing technical skills for the use of sophisticated instrumentation such as gamma cameras, thyroid uptake probes, and PET-CT scanner, dedicated software to generate digital images, and preparation of radio- pharmaceuticals, as they are applied to investigate a wide variety of disease processes. It also includes maintaining patient records and documents regarding the amount and type of radio-nuclides that is received, used and discarded.
When preparing radio pharmaceuticals, technologists adhere to safety standards that keep the chance of radiation exposure as low as possible to staff and patients. The course is designed to enable the students to acquire knowledge and skill in Medical Radio Isotope Technology so that after passing the final examination and completing the requirements of internship, they can function as qualified technologists in Nuclear Medicine departments.
Duration: 3 years plus one year internship
Selection: Entrance exam
Annual Intake: 4
MSc in Nuclear Medicine Technology:
Nuclear Medicine Technology is the medical specialty concerned with the use of small amounts of radioactive material for the diagnosis of various diseases and treatment of few diseases. Nuclear Medicine scans reveal biological processes that take place at cellular and subcellular level and are now accepted as an integral part of molecular imaging. Technologists apply the art and skill of diagnostic imaging and treatment through safe and effective use of radionuclides.
Course Highlights:
    1. Help in acquiring adequate knowledge and technical skills for the use of sophisticated instrumentation such as gamma cameras, thyroid uptake probes, PET scanner, cyclotron, dedicated software to generate digital images, and preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, as applied to patient care.
    2. Enrich their knowledge of medical physics, molecular imaging and theranostics.
    3. Develop research activities on newer radiopharmaceuticals related to SPECT-CT, PET-CT and Cyclotron.
    4. Develop compassionate approach towards the needs of patients.
They participate in the daily operation of the Nuclear Medicine department under the supervision of Radiation Safety Officer and Nuclear Medicine physicians. It also includes maintaining patient records and documents regarding the amount and type of radio-nuclides that is received, used and discarded. When preparing radio pharmaceuticals, technologists adhere to safety standards that keep the chance of radiation exposure as low as possible to staff and patients.
Duration: 2 years
Selection: Entrance exam
Annual Intake: 2


Professor (NM)

Associate Professors

Contact Information

Address :


The Head,

Department of Nuclear Medicine

Room 1, 1st Floor, Main Building

Christian Medical College Vellore

Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004

Tamil Nadu, India


The Head,

Department of Nuclear Medicine

B0005,Ranipet Campus

Christian Medical College Vellore

Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632517

Tamil Nadu, India

Email: nuclear@cmcvellore.ac.in

Reach us: 0416-282546

Working hours: Mon – Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

                             Sat: 8.00 am to 12.00 pm

Email us :


Reach us :


Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)