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Palliative Medicine

The Palliative Care Services, in Christian Medical College Vellore, was started in response to the felt need for comprehensive and holistic care of patients with advanced cancers. About seventy percent of cancer patients in our country present in advanced or incurable stages at diagnosis itself. These patients often suffer difficult physical symptoms towards the end of life. In addition, patients and their families struggle with the financial burden of treatment, caregiver stress, social stigma and spiritual distress.

The Palliative Medicine Department presently provides medical, nursing, psycho-social and spiritual care to patients with incurable cancers.

Outpatient services 

Town Campus (OPD Building: PCF Extn 1st Floor)
Monday (Full day)
Tuesday (Full day)
Wednesday (Afternoon)
Thursday (Full day)
Friday (Full day)
Dr. Jenifer Jeba.S, MD, Dip Pall Med, MSc, Pall Med Pvt OP – Tuesday
Dr. Jewell Joseph MD (RT) Pvt OP – Friday
Dr. Jyothsna Kuriakose MD (Palliative MedicinePvt OP – Monday
Ranipet Campus (A002, Basement room numbers 27-32)
Mondays,Tuesdays,Thursdays and Fridays -full day OPD 
Wednesdays – afternoon OPD
Dr. Jenifer Jeba.S, MD, Dip Pall Med, MSc, Pall Med Pvt OP – Friday
Dr. Jewell Joseph MD (RT) Pvt OP – Monday, Wednesday
Dr. Jyothsna Kuriakose MD (Palliative MedicinePvt OP – Tuesday

Our outpatient services are provided by a multidisciplinary team consisting of doctors, nurses, social worker and psychologist. We provide active total care for patients with palliative care needs aiming to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, by relieving suffering (physical, psychological, social and spiritual).

Inpatient services
Inpatient care is provided for patients admitted for purpose of symptom control, end of life care, nursing care. We also teach and empower caregivers in the provision of care at home.

Consultation services
We as a multidisciplinary team provide consultation services for patients admitted under other departments; to manage difficult symptoms, provide lymphedema and nursing care, and counselling services. 
Multidisciplinary tumour board
Palliative care doctors regularly participate in the multidisciplinary tumor board held to discuss management of cancer patients. 

Palliative nursing services 
Palliative care nurses train and empower caregivers in the provision of nursing care; including wound care, care of bed bound patients, lymphedema care so patients can continue to be cared for at home. 

Social care 
Palliative care social worker helps in assessment of patients’ socioeconomic background, social support in care of patients and provide necessary assistance as appropriate.

Psycho-oncology services
Palliative care psychologist provides support through counselling patients’ and families going through oncological treatment, grief and bereavement. This service is available for outpatients and inpatients.

Domiciliary services
Palliative care team visits sick patients in and around Vellore who are unable to come to hospital. This is done twice a week to provide care through adequate symptom management, nursing care, to empower the carers and ensure care continuum at home.

Department of Palliative Medicine offers post graduate teaching in Palliative Medicine. DNB Program in Palliative Medicine with two candidates per year was started in the department from 2024.

The Certificate course in Palliative Medicine is a one year fulltime residential course which consists of training in the principles of palliative care, symptom management, ethics and communication skills in clinical practice. The in-service training includes training in palliative care out-patient and inpatient setting and home care. They also have peripheral postings in related departments.

The Department of Palliative Medicine is also involved in providing teaching to undergraduate students in essentials of Palliative care. Post graduate trainees and fellowship students from other specialities including; Radiotherapy, Geriatric Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, and Gynae Oncology also go through posting in Palliative Care. 

Doctors and nurses from mission hospitals visit the department to gain further knowledge, skills and understanding in provision of palliative care especially to manage patients in low resource rural hospitals with cost-effective ways. 

Essentials of palliative care nursing training is provided for MSc nursing and Fellowship in Oncology nursing students. Allied health students including those doing medical sociology and hospital administration also spend time in the department. 

Post-graduate Fellowship in Palliative Medicine – alumni
2007-08    Dr. S. Ravi Livingston, Dr. Vishnu Priya.B
2008-09    Dr. Shakeel Ahmed  
2009-10    Dr. Sushma Shivananda
2010-11    Dr. Somnath Dey
2011-12    Dr. VanneihsangiRalte
2012-13    Dr. Sherin Mary Mathew
2015-16    Dr. Abhinav Singh, Dr. Sheeja Jacob
2016-17    Dr. Priyanand Pusuluri, Dr. Susan Shekinah 
2017-18    Dr. Lois Sara James
2018-19    Dr. Dani Swarna Mathew, Dr. SriSushma Nagasuri
2019-20    Dr. G. Chrusolitha Robbie
2023-24    Dr Lakshmi Haritha


Assistant professor

Contact Information

Address :

The Head

Department of Palliative Medicine

3rd Floor, O Block

Christian Medical College Vellore

Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004

Tamil Nadu, India

Email us :


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Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)