Making children follow command for their self protection can be a difficult task. But If you show by demonstration how to maintain hygiene, safe distancing, then your child will learn from you and follow your steps in protecting themselves and others. Make it sound like a constant game “FOLLOW THE LEADER” and the child will learn to enjoy what he/she is doing. – WHO
You can encourage your child to avoid close contact with people who are sick; cover while coughing and sneezing with a tissue and throw the tissue in the trash immediately; avoid touching eyes or mouth or nose with unwashed hands. Always INSIST that they wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. – WHO
No, the symptoms are same as with an adult. A child can have cough, fever, tiredness, diarrhoea or difficulty breathing if infected by COVID19. – UNICEF
When your child finds it very difficult to breathe or has very high fever(> 100*C) which is not coming down or is unusually sleepy, it’s necessary for your child to be taken to a hospital. – Harvard Health
You can make practicing hygiene fun by singing a song with actions (which can include hand washing) for 20 seconds. • As a game, you could reward them for the least number of times they touch the face with their hands (you can play with each other) • Showing them some sort of graphic or even a video on self-protection can get their attention and help them follow. – WHO
Experts are still trying to learn about the disease but it seems to usually cause a milder illness in children than in adults or older people. However, infants and children who have severe asthma, any kind of respiratory illness or poor immunity might develop severe symptoms and might require hospitalisation. – UNICEF
Yes, you should be talking to your children about the virus. Research on anxiety in children says that keeping your children informed can actually help to ease their anxiety and stress. However as a parent you need to decide the extent of information that you should convey to your child. – US CDC
Make sure your children stay indoors as much as possible. If you need to take your child out (in case of utmost need), make them wear a cloth face mask which can offer some protection against getting the disease or slow the spread of virus. – MoH India
It is important to use simple language while talking to children about COVID19. Being honest, calm and explaining to them in a child friendly way about protecting ourselves and others can help. – WHO
Make your children understand that germs can spread from person to person and the importance of a staying home is to not only protect ourselves, but to protect others. Maintaining some distance (one metre) from others while talking to them is necessary now. -US CDC
It is important for children below 1 year of age to receive their vaccines. Children above the age of 2 years who are due for vaccines can wait until this infectious time has passed. Please talk to your hospital/Doctor prior to taking them for necessary vaccinations.