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By alumni, current staff, well-wishers and others who were moved by and felt compelled to pen the stories of CMC.

A Thousand Years in Thy Sight by Dorothy J Scudder

A Very Amazing Life – The biography of Edna I Gault by Bette McLaughlin

An Amazing Man – Edward Gault in Three worlds: A Biography by Ronald Winton

Be Thou My Vision by Carol E Jameson

Be Thou My Vision: Spiritual Resources for the Healing Ministry by Valson Thampu

Called to be in His Service by Dr C K Job

Climb Every Mountain – The Story of Granny Brand by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

Doctor in Arabia by Paul W Harrison MD

Dr Hilda Lazarus by Olive Walrond, Hazel Holman, Joyce Brennan and CMCH staff

Dr John Carman by Arnold Desmond

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

Healing for the Nations – An Alternative Healthcare Model  by Christian Medical College Vellore (read an excerpt) 

History of the Department of General Surgery by Dr S R Banerjee Jesudasan, Dr LBM Joseph, Dr John C Muthusami

Hundred Years, Hundred Stories - CMC Alumni Association 

I Cut, God Heals by Dr L B M Joseph

Ida S Scudder by Mary Pauline Jeffrey

In His Image by Dr Paul Brand & Philip Yancey

Legacy and Challenge: The Story of Ida B Scudder by Jennifer Georgia

Links of Love: A Century of British Links with the Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, India - Edited by Clare Howes 

Love in Deed – The Moving Story of Dr Ida Scudder by Dr Pippa Deodhar

Magnified Grace by Dr Mary Varghese

Memoir of The Rev. John Scudder, M.d.:Thirty-six Years Missionary in India by Jared Bell Waterbury 

My Life – A Great Adventure by L B M Joseph 

One Hundred Years of Nursing Education at CMC Vellore – A Reflection by Beulah Premkumar

One Step at a Time  by Reena George 

Our Heritage, Our Horizon, Our Vision by Prof S R Banerjee Jesudasan

One Hundred Years of Campus Music - CMC Alumni Association (compiled by Dr. Susee Samuel)

Passing on the Torch of Life by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

Parenting Your Child by M C Mathew, Anna Mathew & Beula Wood

Reminiscences and Reflections by Dr Jacob Chandy

Ripples of Life by Gillian Patterson, Sara Bhattacharji, Sushil John, Guru Nagarajan with Reena George and Anna Tharyan

Take My Hands – The Remarkable Story of Dr Mary Verghese of Vellore by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

Ten Fingers for God – The Life and Work of Dr Paul Brand by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

The Golden Years: 1965 to 2015, Department of Urology, CMC Vellore: edited by Arabind Panda

The Making of a People of God by Dr Jacob Chandy

The Torch of Life by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

The Years of Fame by Dr Arnold Desmond

There Rest Thy Feet – The  CHAD Experience by Gillian Patterson

Wheelchair Surgeon – The Story of Mary Verghese by Joan Clifford

You Raise Me Up to More Than I Can Be by the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation