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Reproductive Medicine & Surgery

The Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery was started as  Reproductive Medicine Unit and is one of the first centers in the country to offer tertiary-level ART (assisted reproductive technology) treatment in a medical college setting since 1996. Over the years, the unit has grown in strength and offers the most advanced, evidence-based ART treatment ethically and transparently. The department currently offers all the advanced ART treatment modalities – In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Blastocyst transfers, and Vitrification technology for embryo freezing along with fertility-related endoscopic surgeries ( e.g laparoscopic myomectomy, cystectomy) and fertility-preserving surgeries under one roof.  The teamwork of the department comprising clinicians, nursing staff, and laboratory personnel elevates the level of care to greater heights of empathy, concern, and wholesome treatment. 

We provide the following services:
  • Complete assessment of infertile couples
  • Endoscopic  surgeries
  • Ovulation induction with ultrasound monitoring
  • 3D Ultrasonography
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Surgical retrieval of sperm (PESA/TESA/Micro TESE)
  • Blastocyst transfer
  • Embryo cryopreservation (Freezing/Vitrification)
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Counselling services
  • Weight Reduction Program
  • Vibroejaculation
Notable Features
  • The department is the first of its kind in India to offer tertiary-level ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) treatment in a medical college setting.
  • The department is one of the premier centers for training in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery.
  • We do not offer donor oocyte/embryo, donor semen, and surrogacy facilities.
  • We see approximately 14,500 couples in OPD and approximately 500 fertility-related laparoscopic surgeries are performed per year.
  • Approximately 650 ART cycles are done each year
  • We provide low-cost ART- IVF (Assisted Reproductive Technology) (MART) to those with economic constraints.
  • The department is involved in producing high-quality primary and secondary-level research with a yearly output of 6-8 papers in international and national journals every year.
  • We offer A three-year MCh program in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery which is recognized by The Medical Council of India(MCI).
  • The Head of the department is Dr Mohan S Kamath. Other consultants include Dr. Aleyamma T K(Senior Professor), Dr. Treasa Joseph, and Dr Chinta Parimala. The embryologist team includes Mrs Ann Mangalaraj and Mr Muthukumar. 
Clinical Timings
Our Unit’s OPD functions on all Tuesdays and Friday afternoons from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Location of the Department
Our department is situated on the third floor of the Centenary building (ISCCC lift no 3). 

We provide the following services: 
  • Complete assessment of infertile couples
  • Endoscopy surgeries
  • Ovulation induction with ultrasound monitoring
  • 3D ultrasonography
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Surgical retrieval of sperms (PESA/TESA/Micro TESE)
  • Blastocyst transfer
  • Embryo cryopreservation (Freezing/Vitrification)
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Counselling services
  • Weight Reduction Program
  • Vibroejaculation

Education & training in Reproductive Medicine, endoscopic surgeries, and research have been integral parts of the department’s functioning. The first post-doctoral fellowship program in Reproductive Medicine under the National Board, New Delhi was started in the year 2000 at the Reproductive Medicine Unit. Subsequently, a fellowship course was offered by Christian Medical College, Vellore in 2006. A fellowship in Clinical embryology for medical graduates was introduced in 2010. Postgraduate diploma courses (Assisted reproductive techniques) were also started in 2008.
The department has been actively involved in research and publications with more than 200 publications in international and national high-impact journals. The department is also actively involved with the Cochrane Review Group, ICMR. The dept has been conducting research with their support and has been instrumental in advancing the scientific literature.
Dr. Mohan S Kamath is also the course coordinator for CMC, Vellore for the MSc in clinical research(focus on clinical trials) being run by the Translational Health Sciences and Training Institute, under Regional Center for biotechnology central university, New Delhi
Currently, the Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, CMC, Vellore offers the following courses:
1.  Mch program which is a 3 year super-specialty course in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery recognized by MCI.
Number of seats: 3
Eligibility:  MD/MS (Obg)/DNB (Obg)
Course duration: 3 years
Method of selection:  NEET super speciality entrance
Salient features:  Training in Reproductive endocrinology, Assisted Reproductive Techniques, fertility-related endoscopic surgeries, exposure to IVF laboratory aspects, and research methodology.
Academic sessions are held weekly twice on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (0800-0900 hours) and all the MCh students, staff, and faculty actively participate. It mainly consists of journal clubs, paper readings on current topics of interest, project discussions, and Cochrane reviews.
Facilities for laparoscopic training on simulators and microsurgery training are available for MCh students training. Registrars are also encouraged to pursue research interests. As per the course requirements, the trainees are required to undertake prospective/retrospective studies after obtaining due approval from the institutional review board (IRB). All the faculties, fellows, students, and nursing staff are encouraged to actively participate in at least one national-level conference in a year.
CME for secondary hospitals:
The Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery conducts workshops and CMEs for infertility specialists, general gynecologists, embryologists, and post-graduate students. The main focus of these CMEs is diagnosing and treatment of common infertility-related problems.
Short term observership/training:
Training in Andrology for Lab technicians for starting basic semen analysis /wash & IUI facilities in secondary level hospitals/Mission hospitals is provided.
Collaborative projects:   
The department has professional links with reputed ART centers abroad in United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. The faculties ( clinical and laboratory) and nursing staff routinely are sent to these centers for short duration to gain new skills/expertise or refine the existing protocols to enable the unit to offer the latest treatment in the field of ART.
The department has been conducting an ICMR-funded multi centre project on the role of lifestyle intervention in PCOS women.

Contact Information

Address :

The Head
Department of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

Christian Medical College Vellore
Ida Scudder Road, Vellore- 632004
Tamil Nadu, India 

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Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)