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Research Office

The Research Office conducts a number of activities for researchers in our organisation. One of the important activities is to conduct the Institutional Review Board (IRB) meetings that helps researchers to produce good quality research work. Each research study is reviewed by external and internal members of the IRB committee and the researcher is allowed to carry out research only after obtaining its approval. IRB members meet twice every month, for post-graduate (PG) studies and Clinical Trials.  
During the period April 2018 to March 2019, a total of 681 research proposals were cleared by the IRB. The Research Office also provides research grants, up to Rs 1.5 lakhs per year for a total of 2 years [total of Rs 3 lakhs]. In addition, junior consultants have the opportunity to apply for a major research grant [total of Rs 4 lakhs] once during their period of service.  
Other important meetings that occur throughout the year include the Compensation Committee meetings [held monthly] and the Data Safety Monitoring Board [DSMB].  
The Research Methodology and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) workshop [3 – 4 times a year] is a 3-day workshop for all faculty, post-graduates and others involved in conducting research. This certification is generally required by a sponsor when a clinical trial is being proposed. A manuscript writing workshop is held four times a year to provide support for researchers with the help of Biostatisticians and senior research faculties from CMC to complete the manuscripts that they have been working on. 
This year we have started 2 new workshops. We have organised a Thesis Guide workshop for all faculties who guide their post-graduates for research. The idea of the workshop was to make the guides understand their importance as a guide in any research study and the roles and responsibilities as guides. This one-day workshop covered a variety of topics including the role of the student and the guide in research, various study designs, ethical aspects of the research study and insights into some common mistakes done during Research studies. The workshop was an interactive one with both the resource persons and the attendees throwing in a lot of questions and solutions. 
A workshop on Recertification in Ethics, Research and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) was also conducted for the first time as a one day workshop. This workshop is meant for faculty that have already previously attended the 3 day GCP workshop and need re-certification. The Research office conducts an annual symposium called “Annual Research Day” every year where all the researchers in and around Christian Medical College, Vellore come and present their research findings. The annual research day from 2017 was converted to a 2 day event in view of the large number of proposals that were received. Presentations occurred as both poster and oral presentation in 7 different categories and the top three papers in each category were awarded cash prizes and trophies. 
The Dr. Shubhankar Mitra memorial award is awarded to students who have received top scores in Medical, Allied Health Sciences and Nursing categories. The research office along with support from the Vellore Foundation provides travel grants to students as well as unconfirmed faculty to present  their research studies in the various conferences held both nationally and internationally. A total of 18 grants were provided in 2018 [16 for faculty and 2 for students].  

Research grants 
Numbers approved 