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2022 – 2023

The Week-Hansa Award 2022 

Best Multispeciality Private hospital South Zone
 2nd Best Overall 
Best Hospital – Top 5 in Diabetes Care, Pediatrics Orthopedics, Neurology, Pulmonology & Infertility treatment.

2021 – 2022

CMC – 3rd best medical college in country

According to the Ministry of Education’s National Institutional Ranking Framework for the year 2021 (NIRF 2021),
CMC has been ranked 3rd among 50 medical colleges in the country. Read more: MoE, National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) (nirfindia.org)

2020 – 2021

3 awards as recognition for CMC’s efforts to combat COVID-19

India Today Healthgiri Award for best charity hospital combating COVID-19

The award was given virtually by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Miniters of Health and Family Welfare along with Mr. Aroon Purie, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, India Today Group, on 2nd October 2020. 

FICCI award for excellence in Hospital Preparedness for COVID-19 

CMC receives Excellence in Hospital Preparedness for COVID-19  from  FICCI  (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) on
29th September, 2020. Forty nominations were screened by Ernst & Young. 

CAHO award for workplace safety during pandemic

Workplace safety during the COVID-19 pandemic”: 1st prize awarded by the Consortium of accredited Healthcare Organizations (CAHO) for the very large hospitals category (over 600 beds) on 17th September 2020.

Newsweek magazine ranks CMC Vellore 
3rd best hospital in the country

2019 – 2020

India Today magazine ranks CMC Vellore

‘2nd best medical college in India

The Week magazine ranks CMC Vellore
‘best private hospital in India’

CMC awarded the India Research Excellence Award

CMC was honoured with the ‘India Research Excellence Award’, coming first in the Professional College category. This award is from Clarivate Analytics, powered by Web of Science. A special mention was made at the award ceremony that CMC Vellore has the highest number of highly cited papers amongst all professional colleges and the 3rd highest category normalised citation impact that was 1.5 times the world average for the period 2012 to 2018. Read more 

Dr. Ashok Dyalchand, CMC alumnus (batch of ’65), chosen 2019 Child Rights Hero

Dr. Gagandeep Kang, Professor of Gastrointestinal Sciences,
becomes first Indian woman to be elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London

Dr. Mammen Chandy, the founder head of CMC’s Department of Haematology,
was awarded the Padmashri in the field of Medicine – Haematology,

for his  outstanding contributions towards haematology and stem cell transplantation in India.

2018 – 2019

Ministry of HRD ranks CMC third in ‘India Rankings 2018′

‘The Week’ ranks CMC as 2nd best hospital in the country and its best private hospital

Distance Education receives ‘Leadership in Health Care’ award

2017 – 2018

Five Skoch awards for innovations and improvements in patient care and community services

Royal College of Physicians recognises wide-ranging medical education and training approach of
 Department of Endocrinology

Nursing Services granted certification of Nursing Excellence by NABH  (Nov. ’17)

Quality Management Cell wins BMJ South Asian award 2017 for Quality Improvement Team  (Nov. ’17)

‘The Week’ ranks CMC as the third best hospital in the country  (Nov. ’17)

Notable alumni

Awards and honours for our alumni (April 2019 to March 2020)

Dr. Anjali Mohapatra (PG alumnus, Nephrology) won the second prize for the paper presentation “Does Platelet Function; as measured by Platelet Function Analyser-200 (PFA 200) Predict Risk of Post Renal Biopsy Bleed in CKD Stage G 4 and 5 Patients? – A Prospective; Observational Cohort Study” at the International Society of Nephrology Conference 2018 held at Bhuvaneswar.

Dr. Ashok Dyal Chand (1965) received the World’s Children’s Prize for his 40-year-long fight for girls’ rights in India and his campaign to abolish child marriage.

Dr. Mammen Chandy (1967) awarded the prestigious Padma Shri Award, one of the highest civilian awards of the country. 

Dr. Divyan Samson (PG alumnus, Otorhinolaryngology) won the first prize in Dr. P.A. Shah Junior Consultant award in the 14th Asia Oceania ORL-HNS Congress held at Hyderabad.

Dr. Abraham Peedicayil (1975) delivered the 51st Subodh Mitra Oration of the Bengal Obstetric and Gynaecological Society, Kolkata on Human Papilloma Virus.

Dr. Suraj S (2004) won the third prize for the best oral presentation in the Indian Association of Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons 2019, annual conference held at Bhubaneswar.

Dr. Samson Daniel (1970) received a lifetime achievement award from the Honourable Governor of Tamil Nadu.

Dr. Gagandeep Kang (1981) was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society, London. She is the first Indian woman scientist from India getting elected as Fellow of the Royal Society in 360 years of history of Royal Society. 

Dr. Vinotha (1997) received Gold Medal for M.Ch. for Gynaecology Oncology from Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai.

Dr. Ananth P. Abraham (2006) won the II Prize in Quiz competition at Narayana Paediatric Neurosurgery Course held at Bengaluru.

Dr. Franklin Irwin (2002) won the Prof.G. Shivanna Shetty prize paper award at the 71st state IRIA (Indian Society of Radiology and Imaging) conference held at Chennai.

Dr. Shyjumon George (PG alumnus, Radiodiagnosis) won the 1st prize in quiz competition at 71st state IRIA (Indian Society of Radiology and Imaging) conference held at Chennai.

Drs. Muniya Thokchom (2004), Siva Vyasam (PG alumnus, Paediatrics),  Priyanka M (2008) & Mrs. Mary Juliana has won the Second Prize at the highly competitive National level SIMWAR held at AIIMS, New Delhi.

Dr. Deepak Thomas Abraham (PG alumnus, General Surgery) achieved the following:

Delivered the Dr. Santok Singh Award Endowment lecture 2018 on “Challenges in Practicing State of the Art Endocrine Surgery in a Resource Limited Setting” at the ASICON 2018 held at Chennai on 28th December 2018.

Invited as “Distinguished Visitor” to the Endocrine section of the Annual Meeting of The Royal Australian College of Surgeons. 

Dr. Anne Jennifer Prabhu (1991) won the 1st place for her poster titled, ‘BCOR Overexpression In Sarcomas – A Morphologic Continuum of Mixed Round and Spindle Cell Tumours’ at the NUHS Surgical Pathology Course 2019 held at National University Hospital, Singapore.

Dr. Prema Dhanraj (PG alumnus, General Surgery) was awarded the title of “Doctor of Divinity” (Honoris Causa) by the Academy of Ecumenical Indian Theology and church Administration on 11th May, 2019 at Chennai.

Dr. Nitin S. Kekre (PG alumnus, Urology) elected as President of Association of Southern Urologist of the South Zone branch of Urological Society of India for a period of one year.

Dr. Tina George (2004) won the first prize for the paper presentation at the Tamil Nadu, Association of Physicians of India Conference (TAPICON) held on 29.07.2019 and 30.07.2019 at Madurai – for the paper title “Vaginal Lactobacillus in Women with Urinary Tract Infection in a Tertiary Care Centre in South India – A Case Series”.

Dr. Nihal Thomas (1982) was awarded “The Dr. Henry N. Rajaratnam Oration on “Forays in to the Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis of Young Onset Diabetes in India – Insights from Vellore” at the International Society for Endocrinology and South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies, at Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dr. Riddhi Das Gupta (PG alumnus, Endocrinology) achieved the following:
Awarded the 3rd prize for the best oral paper presentation entitled – “Elucidating the Metabolic Role of the Incretin Axis and Extra Pancreatic Glucagon Secretion in Indian subjects with Fibrocalcific Pancreatic Diabetes” and received the Young Investigator Award – 2019 at the International Society for Endocrinology and the South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies at Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Won the Novartis Young Researcher Award 2019 by the Research Society Study for Diabetes in India, awarded at the 47th RSDDI national conference, Jaipur, November 2019 and the AR Seth Award in Basic Endocrinology 2019 by the Endocrine Society of India awarded at 49th ESICON2019, Nagpur.

Dr. Nitin Kapoor (PG alumnus, Endocrinology) achieved the following:

Received the 1st prize for the best oral paper presentation entitled – “Bone Health in Morbidly Obese Postmenopausal Women-A Paradox”, 2nd prize for the best poster presentation entitled -“The Manifestations of Wilson’s Disease with Respect to Renal Tubular Dysfunction, Bone Health and Body Composition”, 3rd prize for the best oral presentation entitled – “Obesity Indicators and Their Role in Identifying Metabolic Disorders in the South Asian Population”  at the International Society for Endocrinology and the South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies at Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Awarded the 1st prize for the best oral paper presentation – Faculty category for the paper entitled – “Impact of Curative Treatment in Symptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism on Bone Mineral Density, Trabecular Bone Score and Bone Turnover Markers – A Prospective Study from India at the 15th Annual Conference of the ISBMR (Indian Society of Bone and Mineral Research) 2019 held at Bangalore on 19th and 20th October, 2019.

Dr. Pansuriya Himanshu Gangdasbhai (PG alumnus, Neurology) won the special prize in platform presentation at the “NEUROPEDICON 2019” held at Hyderabad on the topic “Clinical Course and Outcome after Bone Marrow Transplantation in Childhood Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy : A Single Centre Experience”.

Dr. D.J. Christopher (1979-80) achieved the following:
Awarded the CME Excellence and Dronacharya Award for exceptional CME contributions in the field of Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases at the ‘CME Excellence Summit and Awards’, organized by the Integrated Health and Wellness Council with support from omnicuris, India’s largest CME platform and CNN News 18 and others. 

Awarded the Professor Dr. M. Viswanathan Oration in the Annual Conference of the Research Society for the study of Diabetes in India at Dindigul.

Dr. Riya Jose (2000) won the Best Paper Presentation Award in ISACON, Tamil Nadu 2019 held in Chennai.

Dr. M.J. Paul (1987) has been Elected to the post of President of the Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons for the term 2020 – 2021 at the 20th Annual Conference held at Indore.

Dr. Ruth Anna Stephen (2010) was awarded the 1st prize for paper presentation at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ISGAR 2019) held at Cochin. 

Dr. A.W. Niranjan Thomas (1984) won the first prize under Hospital Innovation Awards for his presentation on the topic “Translating Research in Low Resource Settings and Transforming Tiny Lives” at the 4th International Healthcare Technology Conference (CAHOTECH 2019) held in Chennai.

Dr H.S. Asha, (PG alumnus, Endocrinology) was awarded the “1st Prize for the Best Poster presentation” for the paper entitled – “25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Health and Disease – A Tertiary Care Experience at the 15th Annual Conference of the ISBMR (Indian Society of Bone and Mineral Research) 2019 held at Bangalore on 19th and 20th October, 2019.

Dr. Beena Koshy (1994) delivered the Fourth Air Vice-Marshall B Krishnaswamy Memorial Oration, on the topic, “Reduction in Disability and Beyond”. During the 6th International Conference at Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children in Chennai.  

Dr. Ebenezer Daniel (1973) received the Achievement award at the Scheie Eye Institute Alumni Reception at AAO, W San Francisco, Workroom 3; 181 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Dr. Philip Kuruvilla (1966) was awarded Outstanding Teacher Award from ISMSICS (International Society of Manual Small incision Cataract Surgeons) which met in Kolkata.

Dr. Priya Abraham (1981) has been appointed as Director, ICMR – National Institute of Virology (GOI), Pune with effect from 18th November, 2019. 

Dr. Anand Sharma, (PG alumnus, Hepatology) participated and won the second prize for his plenary presentation titled “Plasma Exchange (PLEX) to Treat Patients with Rat Killer Induced Hepatotoxicity who Met Listing Criteria for Urgent Liver Transplantation”, at the Second Annual Conference of Liver Transplantation Society of India; held at Kochi.

Dr. M.K. Lalitha (PG alumnus, Microbiology) has been awarded “IAMM Life Time achievement award” at the IAMM MICROCON held in Mumbai.

Dr. Anisha Mathew (PG alumnus, Respiratory Medicine) won the Prestigious SN Gaur Young Scientist Award at the National Conference NAPCON 2019, held at Kochi.

Dr. D.J. Christopher (1979-80) achieved the following:

Elected as “President” of Indian Chest Society at the National Conference NAPCON 2019, held at Kochi.

Awarded the Dr. Sheldon Spector Oration by the International Asthma Services, Colarado (USA) at the annual conference of the National Conference of Allergy and Immunology (Allergocon 2020). 

Dr. Mithun Raam (2007) won the best paper prize and the Indo UK traveling fellowship grant at the Asian Society of Mastology meeting at Bhubaneshwar on 19th November, 2019 for his presentation on “WHYGM?: A Prospective Controlled Study on Etiology of Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis”. 

Dr. Samuel Santhosh (2008) has been awarded the IPSCON–best oral presentation at the 5th IUPHAR World Conference on the Pharmacology of natural products and the 51st Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society held at ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. 

Dr. Georgie Mathew (2006) won the 2nd Prize for his Oral Presentation in the Award Paper Category titled, “Sequential Rituximab Therapy with Continuous B-cell Depletion in Patients with Frequently Relapsing and / or Calcineurin-inhibitor Dependent Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome” during the 31st Indian Society of Paediatric Nephrology Conference held at Pune.

Dr. Deepthi R.V. (PG alumnus, Nephrology) won the 3rd Prize for her Poster Presentation titled, “Correlation of Anti-phospholipase alpha-2 Receptor Antibody Immunohistochemistry in Renal Biopsy with Clinical Profile of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy in Children” during the 31st Indian Society of Paediatric Nephrology Conference held at Pune.

 Dr.Vimalin Samuel (2000) won the ‘SERVIER Young Researcher Award’ at the 13th Annual Conference of Venous Association of India held at Mumbai. 

 Dr. Jess Elizabeth Rasalam (PG alumnus, Transfusion Medicine) resident received first prize for poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine 2020, held at Mumbai.

 The PICU Team: Dr. Siva Vyasam (PG alumnus, Paediatrics)  Dr. Priyanka Medhi, (2008) has won the 1st Prize in the highly competitive ‘SIMWARS’; a national level simulation competition held among 18 expert teams across India at the National Conference on Simulation (PediSTARS) held at Chennai.

 Dr. Rahul George (PG alumnus, Orthopaedics) received gold medal for the best arthroplasty paper at the recent Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association state conference, held at Vellore.

 Dr. Thomas Anand Augustine (2007) has been awarded the Bindeshwari Sundarshan IAPMR Gold Medal for the best PGT paper titled, ‘Assessment of Renal Function in Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury Patients – Cystatin – C as an Accurate Single Marker’ at the IAPMRCON 2020 at Kozhikode, Kerala.

 Dr. Surekha V (1983) has been awarded the certificate of excellence at the, ‘Double Helical National Health Awards 2019’, for distinguished contribution in Geriatric care. This ceremony was held in New Delhi on 17th February, 2020. 

 Dr. Anna T. Valson (PG alumnus, Nephrology) was awarded first prize for podium presentation in the Clinical Transplant category for the study titled, ‘Living Kidney Donation in India: Do We Need to be More Cautious?’ in the 40th annual conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, Southern Chapter held at Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru.

 Dr. Suma Susan Mathews (PG alumnus, Otorhinolaryncology) has been awarded the best paper in the senior consultant award category for the topic ‘Laryngeal Trauma – A Life Threatening Emergency’ at PHONOCON 2020, the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Phonosurgeons held at Daman.

 Dr. Alexander Thomas (PG alumnus, Orthopaedics) edited the 3rd edition of the book Communicate. Care. Cure. The book has been endorsed by Shri. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India and Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Health Minister.

 Dr. Priya Balasubramanian (1991) has published a book The Alchemy of Secrets which was launched by Westland Publications.
Special mention

Campus kid discovers new Indian species of jelly fish