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The Department of General Surgery began in 1918, as part of the Missionary Medical School for Women at the Mary Taber Schell Hospital. In 1924, the Department of Surgery moved to the newly built hospital at Thottapalayam (the present location) and Dr. Ida Scudder, the founder of our institution was the first Lecturer and Head of the Department.  In the year 1942, on obtaining provisional affiliation to the University of Madras the Missionary Medical School for Women became a Medical College. Soon, men were appointed as faculty in the Department of Surgery and in 1950, the first post graduate trainees were enrolled.
Over the years it saw expansion of its personnel, work and training of registrars. With the rapid developments of surgery in the early part of the twentieth century, teams dedicated in various surgical specialties were required and this gave rise to the departments of neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, urology, plastic surgery, pediatric surgery and orthopedics by the 1960s.
With the developments in the second half of the century the need to re-organize the department, to cater better to patients with specific problems, was felt. This gave birth to the various specialties under the Department of General Surgery. At present the Department of General Surgery is made of four general surgery departments with their own fields of interest. We strive to render service of the highest standards to our patients. We are also involved in research activities and have made contributions in the academic world through publications and presentations in conferences.

Low Cost Effective Care Unit (LCECU), Community Health and Development unit (CHAD) and Rural Unit Health and Social Affairs (RUHSA)
These are rural outposts of CMC and they cater to the local population at affordable rates. The department provides expert opinion and skills in the management of surgical conditions in the rural setup. It also plays a bridge for tertiary level care at the main hospital in difficult surgical problems.
Chittoor Campus
This sprawling area is a recent acquisition of CMC . Out-patient clinics have been started with various departments from CMC visting the campus. A surgery consultation facility, where a fortnighlty visit is made by our department staff, is present.

Under graduate program
MBBS program – Undergraduate students are exposed to basic surgical principles, at various stages of their training, through lectures, seminars and clinical teaching with  periodic evaluation in theory and practical knowledge.
Clerkship – A wholesome view of the surgical care of the patient is achieved through the clerkship program. The. students get to follow up a patient right from admission, through the surgery and the postoperative course till discharge. The program also provides an opportunity to witness the management of acute surgical emergencies. Basic surgical skills, including finger knots and suturing, are imparted to the students.  It also helps them to get in touch with the rigours of residency and paves the way to a future career decision in surgery.
Skills- lab – This facility is used for the basic surgical skills training in clerkship. Basic laparoscopic training is possible with the endo-trainers that are setup. We have to also acquired a simulator with basic laparoscopic training modules.
Visiting student program – Students from various universities around the world undergo observership as part of their university requirements. The mutual interactions have always been valued in our department.
Residency program
PG program
The residency program has grown since inception and at present has an annual intake of ten. Our post graduates are exposed to basic surgical principles and with the advent of the specialty oriented department are abreast with the latest in respective fields. Tue training focuses on equipping registrars with knowledge and skills to manage any general surgical condition in limited conditions of a mission hospital, while also opening them to the advances that have been made in specialty fields.
Breakfast meeting (Saturday)- This is the academic hour of the department. Various interesting clinical cases are discussed and the latest in the management updated. This is also the forum in which the monthly mortality audit and the yearly audit of the various individual departments are presented.
Annual CME – this is a refresher course for post-graduates, who are preparing for their final exams. Delegates from different parts the state attend this yearly event.
JD Selvakumar quiz- The surgical quiz for the undergraduates is conducted every year.
John Carman oration –  this annual event takes place during the annual CME.  We have had distinguished guests from around the world speak on various burning issues relevant to our field.

Contact Information

Address :

The Head,

Department of General Surgery,

CMC Vellore Town Campus,

Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004,

Tamil Nadu.

Email us :


Reach us :


Working hours :

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

( Sat : 8 am to 12:30 pm)