Christian Medical College Vellore, Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004, Tamil Nadu, India
Endoscopic Repair of CSF Rhinorrhea:An Institutional Experience
A Case-Control Study on the Association Between Endoscopic ACE Grade of Adenoid Hypertrophy and Hearing Loss in Children and Its Impact on Speech and Language Development.
Paediatric tracheostomy: A modified technique and its outcomes, results from a South Indian tertiary care
Pediatric tracheal dimensions on computed tomography and its correlation with tracheostomy tube sizes
Difficult Laryngeal Exposure in Microlaryngoscopy: Can it be Predicted Preoperatively?
ACE grading-A proposed endoscopic grading system for adenoids and its clinical correlation
Endoscopic Repair of CSF Rhinorrhea:An Institutional Experience
A Case-Control Study on the Association Between Endoscopic ACE Grade of Adenoid Hypertrophy and Hearing Loss in Children and Its Impact on Speech and Language Development.
Paediatric tracheostomy: A modified technique and its outcomes, results from a South Indian tertiary care
Pediatric tracheal dimensions on computed tomography and its correlation with tracheostomy tube sizes
Difficult Laryngeal Exposure in Microlaryngoscopy: Can it be Predicted Preoperatively?
ACE grading-A proposed endoscopic grading system for adenoids and its clinical correlation
"Post intubation Laryngeal injuries in a pediatric intensive care unit of tertiary hospital in India: A Fibreoptic endoscopic study".
Congenital midnasal stenosis – A novel technique for management