Christian Medical College Vellore, Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004, Tamil Nadu, India
Rethinking the Postgraduate Teaching Program and Examinations in Today's India.
Extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Shigella flexneri serotype-2 causing bacteremia in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Lupus cystitis: unusual cause of renal failure in systemic lupus erythematosus
Rethinking postgraduate medical education in today's India – a comparison with western systems.
Trainee doctors in medicine prefer case-based learning compared to didactic teaching
Association between a prolonged corrected QT interval and outcomes in patients in a medical Intensive Care Unit
Rethinking the Postgraduate Teaching Program and Examinations in Today's India.
Extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Shigella flexneri serotype-2 causing bacteremia in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Lupus cystitis: unusual cause of renal failure in systemic lupus erythematosus
Rethinking postgraduate medical education in today's India – a comparison with western systems.
Trainee doctors in medicine prefer case-based learning compared to didactic teaching
Association between a prolonged corrected QT interval and outcomes in patients in a medical Intensive Care Unit
Renal outcomes among snake-envenomed patients with acute kidney injury in southern India
Severe methemoglobinemia due to insecticide poisoning
Good survival rate, moderate overall and good respirator quality of life, near normal pulmonary functions, and good return to work despite catastrophic economic costs 6 months following recovery from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Treatment of COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome With a Tabletop Noninvasive Ventilation Device in a Respiratory Intermediate Care Unit
Factors associated with the opposition to COVID-19 vaccination certificates: A multi-country observational study from Asia.
Community-acquired fungal pyelonephritis with renal infarction and gangrene of the colon: an uncommon diagnosis.
Development of a Choice-framework for Covid vaccines in India using a multi-criteria decision analysis approach
The impact of demonetisation on the utilisation of hospital services, patient outcomes and finances: a multicentre observational study from India
Trends in oral anticoagulant use – A 10-year retrospective analysis from a general medicine department of a tertiary care hospital in south India
UDHAVI Community Support During India's Second COVID-19 Wave: A Descriptive Study on a Tertiary Care Center's Pandemic Response Helpline
Dose-Dense Docetaxel-Cyclophosphamide and Epirubicin-Cisplatin(ddDCEP): Analysis of an Alternative Platinum-Containing Regimen in 116 Patients with Early Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
The economic impact of a COVID-19 illness from the perspective of families seeking care in a private hospital in India
Costs & outcomes of hospitalized scrub typhus infection in a tertiary hospital in south India.