The Department of Electronics
The Department of Electronics handles the basic policy matters about electronics and represents the views of Government of India. It covers both regularity as well as promotional role in the field of electronics.
Name of scheme
Technology Development Council (TDC)
National Radar Council (NRC)
Electronic Materials Development Council (EMDC)
National Microelectronics Council (NMC)
Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL)
Technology Development Council (TDC)
Supports Research and Development projects in the area of computer and computer communication, control and instrumentation, broadcasting and telecommunication, electronic components, consumer electronics and rural electronics.
Who can submit a proposal
Academic institutions, R&D laboratories, autonomous bodies, private industries etc.
When and how to submit a proposal
The proposal (20 copies) in the prescribed format may be sent at any time during the year.
Areas of research support
Computer and computer communication
Control and instrumentation
Broadcasting and telecommunication
Electronic components
Consumer electronics and rural electronics
Components of grant
Staff salaries, capital equipment, consumables, travel, over-heads, contingencies etc.
Items not allowed out of grant
Generally infrastructural facilities.
Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
The proposals are put up for recommendation of the relevant Working Group and thereafter sent for approval of Technology Development Council.
The Steering Committee is constituted which monitors the project. The PI is required to submit progress report of the project twice a year.
Ten copies of the project completion report (PCR) are required to be submitted to DOE. These are examined for validation for technology transfer. PCR is kept in central library.
Contact Address
Additional Director
R&D Cell, Department of Electronics,
Electronics Niketan
6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel:: 4363135
To coordinate various aspects of work relating to technology, manufacture and use of radar and allied equipment, so as to meet the defence and civilian requirements in an integrated manner on the basis of maximum technological work done in the country
Who can submit a proposal
Academic institutions, R&D laboratories, production agencies, public and private industries etc.
When and how to submit a proposal
The proposal in the prescribed form may be sent any time during the year.
Areas of research support
Radars, sonars, navigational aids, underwater electronic systems,infrared and laser based detection and ranging systems.
Components of grant
Staff salaries, capital equipment, consumables, travel, over-heads, contingencies etc. Private industries will be supported with 50% of the project cost.
Items not allowed out of grant
Generally infrastructural facilities.
Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
Proposals are evaluated by the Working Groups and based on the merits of the proposals recommendation is made for initiation of the project.
Projects are monitored by the Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) constituted with expert members drawn from academic institutions, R&D labs. and industries.
Twenty copies of the project completion report (PCR) are required to be submitted to DOE. Views of Experts are obtained. In case of product development, the technology is transferred to industry otherwise the information is disseminated to the user. Strong Groups in the specific areas have been created.
Contact Address
The Member Secretary
National Radar Council
Strategic Electronics Division
Department of Electronics, Electronics Niketan 6,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Tel: 4363095
Fax: 4363079
Electronics Materials Development Council (EMDC)
Electronics Materials Development Council (EMDC) provides financial support to goal oriented R&D projects on Electronics Materials.
Who can submit a proposal
Universities and other acadertiic institutions, lits, research institutes/ laboratories, Public Sector Undertakings and non-profit-making registered societies.
When and how to submit a proposal
Fifteen copies of the proposal in the prescribed format may be sent any time during the year.
Areas of research support
Critical for Electronics
Potential for techno-economical viability for production, export.
Futuristic materials having possibility of significant impact on electronics technology.
Components of grant
Capital equipment, consumables, staff salaries, travel, overheads, contingencies etc.
Items not allowed out of grant
Generally infrastructural facilities unless specifically recommended by the concerned working group, are not allowed out of the grant.
Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
EMDC proposals are considered by two separate working groups, depending on the nature of the ‘materials’.. Working group ‘A’ deals with Chemicals, Plastics, Glasses and Ceramic Materials. Working group’B’deals with Metals, Alloys, Semiconductors and special, ultra pure materials. Each working group consists of 10-12 members which includes experts in the concerned areas and representatives from Industry, Public Sector Undertakings. A new proposal submitted to EMDC is circulated to all members to the concerned working group for their comments and thereafter discussed in the working group meeting. Proposals are also referred to outside experts if required. The Chief Investigator is generally invited to present the proposal and to clarify queries of the members during the meeting. Depending on the merit, the proposal is modified or recommended for approval/ rejection. After the consideration of EMDC, the proposal is placed before Secretary, Department of Electronics for approval.
For on-going projects, a Monitoring Committee of experts, users is set up to closely monitor the progress of the project. The committee recommends modifications necessary, if any, with respect to work, outlay. duration etc. A six monthly progress report is required to be sent to ail members of the Monitoring Committee prior to their meeting at the project implementing site. The committee also reviews the completed projects and recommend appropriate steps for technology transfer etc.
Contact Address
The Member-Secretary
Electronics Materials Development Council (EMDC)
Department of Electronics
Electronics Niketan
6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
National Microelectronics Council (NMC)
Under the National Microelectronics Council (NMC), DOE supports specific R&D and manufacturing programmes in the area of process technology, computer aided design, capital equipment development, related techniques and technologies for discrete semiconductor devices as well as integrated circuits.
Who can submit a proposal
Scientists or Groups of Scientists from Universities, Research Institutions, Laboratories and Public Sector/Joint Sector Product Houses.
When and how to submit a proposal
Research proposals (1 5 copies) in prescribed format can be submitted any time during the year.
Areas of research support
The Department has identified various thrust areas in the fields of Computer Aided Tools/Design of Integrated Circuits (ICs), Microelectronics Technology/ equipment and Discrete Semiconductor Devices. The Department generally considers projects falling in these areas.
Components of grant
Capital equipment, staff salaries, consumables/contingencies travel and overheads as essential for the project.
Items not allowed out of grant
Creation of basic infrastructure for the execution of the project unless specifically recommended by the concerned Working Group.
Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
Three expert Working Groups constituted by the Department assess the scope of various new proposals in these areas and depending on their relevance suggest modifications/recommend the suitable ones for initiation by the Department.
Once the new project is initiated, a Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) set up by respective Working Group periodically monitors the progress of studies at project site and recommends various action deemed necessary for successful implementation of the project.
Contact Address
National Microelectronics Council
Department of Electronics
Electronics Niketan
6, CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL)
Development of information technology tools to facilitate human-machine interaction and information processing in Indian languages and development of multi-lingual knowledge systems. Promoting use of information technology tools for language studies and research.
Who can submit a proposal
Academic institutions, R&D institutions, autonomous bodies, private industries involved in R&D in information technology for Indian languages.
When and how to submit a proposal
Research proposals (3 copies) in prescribed proforma can be submitted any time during the year.
Areas of research support
Development of copora of texts in machine readable form
Natural language processing teachers training programme
Computer assisted language learning systems
Fundamentals of natural language processing
Human-machine interface systems
Components of grant
Computer hardware, software, staff salaries, consumables, travel, contingencies, overheads etc.
Items not allowed out of grant
Office equipment
Mechanism of implementation and monitoring
On the recommendation of Project Advisory Committee (PAC), Secretary (DOE) approves the projects.The PI is required to submit six monthly progress report. The progress is reviewed by the PAC.
Only one copy of the PCR is required to be submitted which is kept in the project file.
Contact Address
Department of Electronics
Electronics Niketan
6, CGO Complex, Lodi Read
New Delhi 110 003
Te: 4363126
Fax: 4363083, 4363134