Christian Medical College Vellore, Ida Scudder Road, Vellore – 632004, Tamil Nadu, India
Antioxidant pretreatment for male partner before ART for male factor subfertility: a randomized controlled trial
Seasonal Influence on Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis of 1409 Cycles
Comparison of Treatment outcomes following Ovarian Stimulation with Intrauterine Insemination in Minimal or Mild Endometriosis versus Unexplained Infertility: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Comparison of Perinatal Outcomes of Singletons Following Vanishing Twin Phenomenon and Singletons with Initial Single Gestational Sac Conceived Following Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Retrospective Analysis
Knowledge, anxiety levels and attitudes of infertile couples towards COVID-19 and its impact on self-funded fertility treatment: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey
Letrozole as first-line drug for ovulation induction in treatment-naïve infertile polycystic ovarian syndrome women.
Antioxidant pretreatment for male partner before ART for male factor subfertility: a randomized controlled trial
Seasonal Influence on Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis of 1409 Cycles
Comparison of Treatment outcomes following Ovarian Stimulation with Intrauterine Insemination in Minimal or Mild Endometriosis versus Unexplained Infertility: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Comparison of Perinatal Outcomes of Singletons Following Vanishing Twin Phenomenon and Singletons with Initial Single Gestational Sac Conceived Following Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Retrospective Analysis
Knowledge, anxiety levels and attitudes of infertile couples towards COVID-19 and its impact on self-funded fertility treatment: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey
Letrozole as first-line drug for ovulation induction in treatment-naïve infertile polycystic ovarian syndrome women.
Comparing Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes Following Elective and Emergency Cervical Cerclage in Singleton and Multiple Pregnancies in a Tertiary Care Perinatal Centre
Acceptance of Elective Single-embryo Transfer in a Resource-limited Setting: A Cross-sectional Questionnaire-based Study
Impact of tubal patency test selection on the live birth rate following intrauterine insemination in couples with unexplained infertility: a retrospective cohort study